Real Name: Freddy Chi Akas: Roz Occupation: Finishing up my Masters in Finance and finding a job Date Of Birth: 22/10/1984 City/Country: Hong Kong Hobbies: Gaming, movies, chilling with friends SC2 Goals: Nothing in particular, just having fun and see far i'll get Clan/Team: None Life and Career Goals: To be rich and enjoy my life =D
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: WCG Counterstrike Preliminary Champion 2006
WCG Counterstrike 1st runner-up for 2004, 2005, 2006 Featured Online Vods: Dunno
Favourite Strategy: high temps TTTTTTTTTT-ing the whole screen Favourite Babe: My gf! Favourite Food: Japanese food Favourite Drink: Peach tea Favourite Movie: Avatar Favourite Song: None in particular
Players Respected: nirvana, ice, oxygen, revenant Arch-Nemisis: can't think of any! Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: RedArchon, nirvana, ice, oxygen Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Too early to say but i like watching Huk play because he has a very unorthodox playstyle
Theres a rumor floating around that you're a 100% cheese factory. What do you think about that?: I take that as a compliment! Just because they don't like the way I play don't work. I'm definately not going to change how I play just because some people don't like it. On a side note, cheese is 1 of my favorite food! =D
Last edited by cure; Sat, 12th-Mar-2011 at 9:21 AM.
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