Real Name: Andrew Pender Akas: mOOnGLaDe / GLaDe Occupation: Quality Assurance software tester Date Of Birth: 14/07/86 City/Country: Brisbane Hobbies: Gaming ^_^ SC2 Goals: Be the best i can be Clan/Team: Team Immunity Life and Career Goals: Work while i take my hobbies seriously, then think about the rest of my life after xD
Notabale SC2/Gaming Achievements: Represented Australia 5 times for WCG in War3, Won a few online Aus tournaments in beta and release of SC2 Featured Online Vods: no idea
Players Respected: I respect alot of players!!! Arch-Nemisis: Filthy Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Kashimashi Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Hard to tell at the moment, need more tournaments!
Last edited by cure; Sat, 12th-Mar-2011 at 9:23 AM.
I don't know if I should be concerned that, the above is your first post to this wonder SEA forum.
Yes, that is me. I used to be with PMS Asterisk. Those were good female gaming days.
-_- Sigh.
Last edited by kellyMILKIES; Thu, 16th-Sep-2010 at 12:33 PM.
Reason: sigh
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