Real Name: Johno Pinder Akas: FtrunkZ, JPMoney, Pinder Occupation: Student Date Of Birth: 2nd augest, 1989 City/Country: Melbourne, Australia Hobbies: Alpine skiing, gaming, soon-to-be surfing! SC2 Goals: Win GSL 5 seasons in a row. Clan/Team: Archaic MSi, TA(Honorary Member) Life and Career Goals: BE HAPPY! Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements:: 2nd Transtasman championship #1, 3rd SCA Open, 1st Southern cross series #4 Featured Online Vods:
Favourite Strategy: Fast Expand Favourite Babe: Haley Williams Favourite Food: Maccy Dees Favourite Drink: Coke Favourite Movie: Scott Pilgrim vs The World Favourite Song: Bliss n Eso - lyrical wilderness
Players Respected: Bisu Arch-Nemisis: Myself Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: glade Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: Tester, but he keeps choking in GSL :<
Last edited by cure; Sat, 12th-Mar-2011 at 9:16 AM.
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