Real Name: Hamish Parker Akas: Kowi Occupation: Part time paid work but have applied for study next year. (English & Film) Date Of Birth: 15/12/89 City/Country: Christchurch, New Zealand Hobbies: Djing (Drum & Bass, Dubstep), movies, gaming, friends, etc SC2 Goals: Too start putting more effort in it, possibly to go professional again. Clan/Team:Kiwi Life and Career Goals: hmmm gimme another year or 2 and ill have an answer for that. Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements: Best 2 gaming goals were my 2nd place at WCG Asia 2007, and my winnings on NGL1 where after 2 seasons had my WC3 World ranking rise to 27th. Featured Online Vods: search kowi into youtube and i hear some pretty horrible stuff comes up.
Favourite Strategy: Mass stalkers! Favourite Babe: my mum Favourite Food: hmm indian or something Favourite Drink: Monteiths winter ale. Best commerical stout there is. Favourite Movie: American Beuaty/ Eternal Sunshine of the spotless Mind/ No Country for Old Men. Favourite Song: Archangel, Burial. Come & See, Lomax. Consumed, BCEE.
Players Respected: Any Terran who doesnt use maraduers to win. Arch-Nemisis: me and glade have always been arch nemisis since wc3, i dont think that will stop in sc, although azz and me have had some good rivalry going on so far. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?: Hard to answer, game is still in early stages and very rough. Give it some more time and that will probably become clearer. Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?: I like watching aTnSocke because he usually manages to overthrow terrans, but recently been seeing him lose more and more to mass Ms.
Bonus Question 1 - How did u feel the SEA invite went for you?: I feel i did pretty poorly, was in between some strategys that i should have developed further before commiting them.
Bonus Question 2 - Do you plan to continue on SEA when NA access is released? : I would like to say yes but we all know sea has its problems, gametime waits and lags are pretty horrid and i would like to see them go if i was to play more on sea.
Last edited by cure; Sat, 12th-Mar-2011 at 9:26 AM.
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