Real Name:Peter Neate Akas:Legionnaire Occupation:Programmer Date Of Birth:24/05/1981 City/Country:Brisbane Australia Hobbies:Poker, Fun. Formerly progaming. SC2 Goals:Have fun, and try and do decently in the big tournaments that have been announced. No progaming plans. Clan/Team:None. Life and Career Goals:World domination.
Notable SC2/Gaming Achievements:None. / Some time spent in Korea progaming for starcraft. Featured Online Vods:None.
Favourite Strategy:Any and all. Mainly non normal strats. Favourite Babe:Artosis and Tasteless atm (GSL). They would look hot in bikinis. Favourite Food:Any. Italian, Korean. Favourite Drink:Anything with friends. Else yogurt flavoured soju. It tastes just like yogurt but is insanely strong... yes i know its a girls drink. Favourite Movie:More tv series. Firefly, Deadwood. Favourite Song:If you could only see - Tonic.
Players Respected:Too many to name. Arch-Nemisis:ggon. BM korean cheating player. Best Starcraft 2 player in SEA?:too hard/early to tell. game is still flawed. ( i don't rate players based on current wins as it may instantly change with a patch, while good players will shine through overtime). Best Starcraft 2 player in the world of all time?:too hard/early to tell. see previous comment. Nor have i been paying that much attention.
Present leg!
Last edited by cure; Sat, 12th-Mar-2011 at 9:28 AM.
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