No cheating in any way of the following but not limited to. Using 3rd party programs to aid in any form of way, receiving messages from players while in game, listening to stream while playing or sharing an account with any other player.
Players must set their status to Busy while ingame.
Players may not change race in between games.
No abusive or spamming chat behaviour of any kind will be tolerated.
Any actions deemed bad manner by the admins will not be tolerated. We understand this is a prize less tournament but the whole idea behind this is to work on the community. Bad manner is not something we want to have present there.
Its the Team Managers responsibility to make sure their members are organized and ready to play. Informing them that they are playing and to coordinate with Tournament Admins.
Streaming & Shoutcasts
Sc2sea will arrange the casting and clans are not to run their own stream other than the main, we dont want split viewership. We would like to consolidate viewers and have unbiased casting so that healthy and varied conversation can take place whilst the games are being watched.
Map pool will be posted a week before the event to ensure teams have time to practice on the maps.
Maps, or positions on the list are not changeable on game day.
It is the players responsibility to check the map pool and report any issues.
Games will be replayed, unless a team disputes this. In this scenario the tournament admin will make a decision on whether a clear winner can be seen from the current state of the game or not.
Coverage and Observers:
Observer slots will be reserved for team manager, Streamers and Tournament Admins. Please if you are asked to leave by an admin do so in order for use to keep the event running smoothly.
Last edited by Torniquet; Fri, 19th-Nov-2010 at 6:53 PM.
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